Return Policy & FAQ

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship worldwide! We ship to any country outside of USA/Canada except for the following countries that are currently prohibited: Cuba, Iran, Crimea, Syria, and North Korea. Shipping times outside of North America is either by economy shipping (5-10 business days) or no-rush (10-20 business days).

Customers are solely responsible for any additional fees associated with customs and import taxes that are imposed by their respective country.

Production and shipping times

Our production time refers to the time it takes to finish your product. Each of our products are made-on-demand and printed from scratch. Production time for non-apparel products takes between 2-5 business days to complete, while apparel products takes between 2-7 days.

Shipping times vary depending on the country the customer resides in. Our shipping options include:

  • Overnight: next day delivery in the US
  • Express: 1-3 business days in the US, Canada, and internationally
  • Standard (Flat): 3-4 business days in the US, 6-10 days in Canada, 5-20 days internationally

Please note that these are just estimated shipping times and may not account for the busy holiday peak season. We are not responsible for any carrier delays as they no longer have service guarantees in place. It is recommended that you get your orders in early to avoid any delays that are beyond our control.

Do all items in an order always ship together?

There are some products that we do not ship together due to size and packaging differences. These products include the following: mugs, framed posters, posters, canvas, stickers, jewelry, bean bags, backpacks, throw pillows, and snapback hats.

Does shipping come with tracking?

Yes, all of our customer's orders come with their own tracking so you can keep track of where your product is heading and how long it will take to arrive at your destination.

Customs and import taxes

Customers are solely responsible for any additional fees from customs and import taxes that my apply. We are not responsible for any delays due to customs.

Returns & Exchanges

We do not accept returns or exchanges due to the nature of certain products. However, we do offer a replacement product if there were noticeable defect(s) to the product or if the product was damaged during transit. Contact us within 15 days after receiving your product to have a replacement sent to you!

Why is my package marked as "undeliverable"?

If your package has not arrived and marked as "undeliverable" or "not delivered", you will be notified if the package has been sent back to the sender (our warehouses).

If the package was undeliverable due to customer error in entering an invalid shipping address, the customer is responsible to pay for any additional shipping fees to have the order re-shipped to an updated shipping address. If the package was undeliverable due to our end, we will re-ship the package at no additional cost to the customer.

Package marked as delivered, but I do not have it on hand?

If your package has been marked as delivered, but you have not received it yet, we recommend that you contact your local post office and provide them with the package tracking number details. Unfortunately, once a package has been marked as "delivered" by the shipping courier, we cannot resend your package under these circumstances. 

How to get into contact with you

If you have any questions regarding your order(s), site related inquiries, or any general feedback or ideas, feel free to contact us through our contact form. Alternatively, you can directly email us at: info(at)samoyedforever(dot)com, or connect with us through instagram @samoyedforever