Seven Basic Training Steps for the Samoyed

Training is a process of teaching the Samoyed dog how to behave and what not to do in certain situations. It is also the process of teaching the dog to follow commands made by the dog owner. The seven basic training steps for training the Samoyed dog are:

#1. Training has to start from a very early age

Puppyhood is the best time to start training the Samoyed, as the saying goes that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. The Samoyed is very intelligent, so it will take to training early on in its life. Training an older Samoyed is usually more difficult.

fetch samoyed

#2. Be the alpha
In every Samoyed – dog owner relationship, one person will be the alpha and the other only does whatever the alpha wants; this is the most basic dynamics between dog and man. The Samoyed dog owner has to take charge, right from the onset of the relationship; giving the Samoyed ground rules that the dog knows not to disobey ( like always telling it to get off the bed, not to eat the curtains etc).

training samoyed

#3. Give your Samoyed an activity
The Samoyed is an active breed that likes having a job to do. Simple tasks, like fetching an item across a distance or pulling a cart, go a long way in keeping the Samoyed entertained. It also builds the dog’s self-confidence.

samoyed toy

#4. Exercise
Daily exercise of about 20-40 minutes not only keeps the Samoyed fit and entertained but it provides a proper outlet for this breed’s endless energy, and this is good for its training.

samoyed sledding

#5. Pay attention to your command tone

The tone you use when giving commands to the Samoyed dog should be warm and animated, but it must also be firm.

samoyed leash

#6. Reward the dog after it has executed every command
Reward can come in form of praise or treats, but preferably both while training is still going on. Even subsequently, it is important to praise the dog when it executes a command properly.

samoyed treat

#7. Reprimand the Samoyed with a firmer tone
The tone you use to correct the dog when it does something wrong like nipping somebody or chasing a cat, must be quite different from the ones you use to issue commands and to praise it. This reprimand tone should be much firmer, low and able to convey your displeasure.

samoyed training

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