Samoyed Training Tips

The Samoyed is a very intelligent and friendly dog. It is also a working breed which means that it loves performing activities and is happiest when it has a job to do. On the downside, the dog has an endless reserve of energy which, when untapped, leaves the dog bored and restless. All these make training a Samoyed necessary and rewarding.

Tips you should know when training the dog include:

The breed
You need to keep in mind that the Samoyed is a working breed, originally used to pull sledges across icy terrain in Russia. This breed likes to feel useful and this trait should determine the kind of activities the dog owner will use during training and in keeping it entertained.

pulling sled samoyed

The high energy nature of the Samoyed is usually a plus. However, the puppy may not know how to channel this energy properly and may become rowdy or easily distracted during training. It is advisable that the dog owner allows the Samoyed to burn off some energy during play and exercise – after which it is given water and a few minutes to rest – before training begins. This way, the Samoyed will be just tired enough not to go chasing a cat when you’re trying to teach it to raise its paw.

samoyed puppy

It is important for the dog owner to introduce the Samoyed to new situations and new people (e.g, the dog owner’s family), so that the dog will know how to behave when it encounters things like a cat, the dog owner’s guests, booming thunder, children or a certain gender that it is not used to.

Be firm
Right from the onset of the relationship, the dog owner has to set ground-rules which the Samoyed must always follow, like staying off the furniture or not nipping people. The dog owner must never compromise on these ground rules, and must always correct the dog in a firm, low tone that shows that they mean business. You don’t necessary have to shout to get your message across.

samoyed play

Be kind

When the Samoyed does something good or follows a command perfectly, you have to reward it. This comes in form of praise and treats. If your dog prefers to be cuddled or to have its head rubbed when you praise it, do this too and try to be as genuine as possible. These provide incentives for the Samoyed dog to follow your commands, not only for the treats but because it also wants to make you happy.

samoyed treats

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