Samoyed Bathing Guidelines

Once it is indisputably established that your Samoyed dog needs a bath, certain things have to happen. First, you have to determine when and where the bath is going to take place. Pick a good sunny day for the Samoyed’s bath to prevent the dog from catching a cold, since its coat won’t provide warmth when wet. You can use a portable doggie bath in the laundry-room or a bathtub. In the absence of both, you can still wash your Samoyed by using a garden hose.

Samoyed Bath

Before plunking the Samoyed into lukewarm bath water, first brush its coat to prevent skin irritation. You may also want to protect your dog’s ears with cotton balls as the water may lead to ear infections. Use dog shampoo, which is much gentler on the Samoyed’s skin compared to normal shampoo. Use enough shampoo and use your fingers to massage in the lather, spread it all over the Samoyed dog’s coat and be sure to reach the roots of its long, thick fur. Asides from the coat, get the underbelly, in between the paws and the rest of the Samoyed’s body. Under no circumstances, however, must you allow the shampoo to get into the Samoyed’s eyes.

dirty samoyed

Once you’ve washed the Samoyed to the best of your ability, it is time to rinse out the soap. Use lukewarm water and ensure that the soap is completely rinsed away. Any remainder can cause skin irritations and dry patches of skin on the Samoyed’s body, so rinse properly. After rinsing, you have to let the coat dry. Toweling should be done by pressing on the Samoyed’s wet fur and absorbing as much water as possible until the dog stops dripping. Normal blow dryers are too harsh on the Samoyed dog’s skin, so it’s best to air-dry the dog after its bath.

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