Pros and Cons of Owning a Samoyed

The Samoyed is a friendly dog with a strong personality. It likes performing small tasks like pulling small carts and fetching things for its owner, but that’s not all. The Samoyed’s thick coat makes it great for cuddling and providing warmth in cold weather. Additionally, this dog gets along really well with children and other pets; it is also very loyal and intelligent. However, there are certain potential downsides to owning a Samoyed. The Samoyed’s most notable personality issue has to do with its exuberance. This dog likes activities and if it is not taken on regular walks, it will find other ways to let off steam. These ways may involve the destruction of some of your personal properties as your Samoyed tries to work off its restlessness.

samoyed sledding

Another thing is that the Samoyed is a dog breed that has a mind of its own. This dog is not just intelligent, it is also stubborn. That means, sometimes it is going to want to do something and you may not be able to stop it. Proper examples would be excessive barking or the decision to go off chasing a street cat when you don’t want it to. One thing you should realize in these situations is that the Samoyed is a herd dog. Giving chase to other animals is not exactly a new thing; the instinct comes naturally to all herd dogs. However, with the proper training these personality issues can be ironed out and your Samoyed can learn to better control its impulses. It will also learn to listen to you and obey your commands despite those impulses.

samoyed forest

One main physical con of owning a Samoyed is the heavy shedding of its fur. If the dog’s coat is not well groomed, dog owners may find some of the dog’s long, thick fur in random places in the house. But this also can be well managed with frequent brushing and proper grooming.

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