Grooming of the Samoyed Dog

The Samoyed is a friendly, beautiful dog by nature. Its medium size and typically shiny white coat makes it stand out from other breeds. But what really distinguishes this breed is its personality. The Samoyed dog is a herder, it likes to help and it likes to perform tasks; all these make it the perfect candidate for dog pageantry. But even without pageantry, grooming is important. The grooming of the Samoyed dog naturally begins with hygiene. The dog’s teeth should be checked for discoloration and bad breath, both of which are usually removed with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

brush teeth samoyed

Another thing is bathing. The Samoyed needs to be bathed at least once every three months for the older Samoyed, and once every six months for the younger ones. The optimal bathing frequency any Samoyed depends on how soon it gets dirty, but the act of brushing its coat is something that should be done every day in order to keep its thick, fuzzy white coat clean and manageable. Brushing also helps reduce the frequency of bathing as most of the soil and dirt sticking to the Samoyed’s coat is removed during this process. You can go a step further by cleaning the Samoyed’s coat with a wet towel.

samoyed bathing

Trimming of the coat is allowed and sometimes necessary, but big chunks of the Samoyed dog’s coat should not be cut off. Shaving is also unadvisable; not only does it defeat the purpose of the Samoyed dog’s double-coat, it may even damage the condition of its under-coat. The dog’s nails, however, should be carefully trimmed at least once every three weeks or as otherwise required. There is a proper way to trim a Samoyed’s nails and it requires sticking to the farthest parts of the edges instead of cutting close to the root of the nail bed.

samoyed hair shedding

Trimming of nails should not be attempted unless you know what you are doing.
Parasite control is something else that grooming covers. Ticks and fleas along with other parasites can damage the skin of the Samoyed which in turn affects the quality of its coat; and so, proper pest control in form of hygiene, powders, oils, and specially treated dog soap can go a long way in the grooming of the Samoyed dog.

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