Finding a Samoyed Breeder

As soon as you’ve determined that you want to adopt a Samoyed dog, you should begin your search for a good breeder near you. One major hallmark of a good Samoyed breeder is that they make sure that their Samoyeds obtain all the health certification required for the breed. These certifications include proof of health tests like the Ophthalmologist Evaluation, Cardiac Exam, DNA Tests for Progressive Retinal Atrophy and Retinal Dysplasia (diseases that the dog can get genetically), and Hip Evaluation by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. The Samoyed is likely to be a safe choice if it has received favorable test results as regarding these five medical examinations.

cute samoyed

Another thing you have to consider is how the breeder cares for the Samoyed puppy before and after birth. The breeder has a responsibility to their pregnant females; they provide it with all that it needs to birth healthy young; they also ensure that the mother remains in good health. Additionally, breeders are usually the first owners of the puppy and how they treat it during its first few weeks of life can set the foundation for certain habits and routines that may either be maintained or trained away. If breeders don’t take proper care of their Samoyed puppy, it may end up bringing along certain illnesses or parasites when it goes to its new home.

Breeders also have a responsibility to educate dog owners on how to properly care for their Samoyed at every stage of its life; particularly as regards feeding, grooming, bathing, training and exercise. It is quite common for breeders to collect basic contact information from the dog owners so that they can keep tabs on the puppy after adoption. The breeder should also be able to put the dog owner in touch with certified vets, who have already tested or vaccinated the puppy, as well as obedience instructors who can help with the Samoyed’s subsequent training.

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