Dog Tricks Samoyed Can Learn

The Samoyed is a breed of dogs that enjoys activities. It needs to interact with humans as well as its environment. Daily exercise and activities keep the Samoyed physically and mentally fit; the latter part is necessary because the Samoyed is a very intelligent dog. It needs mental engagement in order to prevent boredom.

samoyed training

Dog tricks are activities you can train your dog to do, such as; tracking smells, waving, lifting its paws, weaving, pulling a cart, standing on hind legs, jumping through hoops, chasing its tail and barking on command. They go a step beyond the usual dog commands of “Sit”, “Settle”, “Come” or “Stay” which most dogs are taught from a very young age. Teaching the Samoyed tricks provides an avenue of keeping the dog entertained and engaged; physically and mentally. Tricks are not a substitute for exercise but they should be taught nonetheless. The ability of the Samoyed to execute tricks perfectly, during dog shows, helps it to garner points during the judging process.

You can teach your Samoyed how to track smells by using treats or its favorite foods, as long as they can fit into your hand. Put the treat into one hand and ball both hands into a fist. Have the dog sniff at each hand to determine where the treat is. The dog will usually respond by butting its muzzle against the hand containing the treat. Sometimes, it gets it wrong but over time this skill will be perfected. This trial and error method applies to all tricks. Most tricks – if not all – require the use of treats as incentives, and the dog must also be rewarded after every training session.

Regardless of what trick you’re trying to teach the Samoyed, it should be given plenty of water and allowed to rest after it has received its reward treat. That is because the mental strain involved in trying to learn something new can take a toll on the Samoyed.

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